Nature tourism

Special nature reserve Lago di Pergusa, Enna: The lake of Pergusa, a small hamlet of Enna, is an endoric brackish lake, that is without emissaries and is the only natural lake now present in Sicily. The lake holds a great geological, faunal and cultural importance and therefore the first special Natural Reserve of the Sicilian Region was established and the European Union promoted it to a Site of Community Interest (SCI). Set between the heights of the Erei mountains, the lake has a small basin and has inspired the imagination of writers of all time: from Claudianus, Ovid, Cicero, Livio and Diodoro Siculo to the English poet John Milton. In the classical world some writers gave you “The Rat of Persephone”, one of the most fascinating mythological episodes that would have taken place in Pergusa in the mists of time. The lake is the ideal habitat for the different species of birds that migrate to and from Africa and is an excellent resting place for thousands of waterfowl. In the spring months it is possible to admire egrets and gray herons, nectar and nectar. In winter, large groups of anatidae come to winter, including the teal, the shoveler and the widgeon, as well as other water birds such as the pochard and the coot. In the muddy areas bordering the shore it is possible to identify the greater curlew, the dark totano, the gossip, the lapwing and the snipe. There are also rare species such as the marsh harrier and the tufted duck and the Reserve is also a nesting area for the Sicilian partridge. Among the mammals we remember the porcupine and the weasel, among the reptiles the marsh turtles, among the amphibians the bufo bufo and the endemic bufo siculus and discoglossus pictus. Recently, as part of the birdwatching activity, the presence of endangered specimens in Italy such as the red heron has been confirmed. The lake periodically records a phenomenon that is unique in the world: its waters are tinged with blood red, giving the landscape a very particular aspect. Protagonist of this phenomenon is a small shrimp that, to defend itself from the rays of the summer sun, is tinged with a red pigment and settles in very thick colonies under the aquatic plants. This pigment then transfers through the water to the bacteria that live in it. The lake is surrounded by accommodation facilities (hotels, cottages, bed and breakfasts).

Vallone di Valle della Corte nature reserve, Agira: is a protected natural area of ​​about 200 hectares which includes the river valley belonging to the Dittaino river basin. In the Reserve there are poplars, willows, oaks flakes, acanthus, horsetail and bramble. The undergrowth is dominated by the vitalba and the agrigentina mallow. The fauna is extremely rich and includes numerous species including various invertebrates such as beetles and especially odonata and amphibians including the Sicilian emerald toad. In the wood along the river it is possible to sight the marten, the weasel and the porcupine; among the birds the golden oriole, the tawny owl and the great spotted woodpecker; among the reptiles the ocherir pigtail and the western lizard.

Nature reserve oriented Rossomanno-Grottascura-Bellia, Aidone-Piazza Armerina-Valguarnera Caropepe: it is one of the most important protected natural areas of the Sicilian Region. The Reserve is mostly made up of conifers and eucalyptus trees, but remains of an ancient oak grove. Also present are the Aleppo pine, chestnut, hazel, holm oak and laurel. The underbrush presents spots of brambles, rose hips, thyme, hawthorn and blackthorn. Paths have recently been redesigned to encourage hiking, trekking and scouting. The Reserve also houses the buzzard, the kestrel, the hoopoe, the jay, the cuckoo and the bee-eater, as well as nocturnal birds of prey such as the owl, the tawny owl, the owl and the barn owl. Inside the Reserve it is possible to observe the so-called “enchanted stones” or “pupi ballerini” (in Sicilian), a group of stones with a vaguely anthropomorphic shape, formed by the action of the wind. Inside the Reserve we point out the Natural Park of Ronza, a green area equipped with large areas set up for picnics and equipped with dozens of outdoor barbecue and several hundred tables and rustic wooden benches. There is also a play area equipped with a playground, a large bird cage, a fence that houses specimens of the Andes blade and Tibetan goats, an area with games with optical effects, a main parking, stalls and various services.

Parco San Prospero, Catenanuova: is so named because, until 1985, with the proceeds of the harvest made in it, the municipal administrators financed the feast of the patron San Prospero martyr. On 12 September 1985 the Municipality signed an agreement with the Regional Inspectorate of Forests of Enna to create a green area, unique in the area. Today the park covers 4 hectares of land with over two thousand trees and is located in the district of Censi, in the upper part of Catenanuova. It is very rich in firs, cypresses, pines and other species of trees that divide the area into four equal parts, one of which is used for children’s games and the other three in living rooms complete with picnic tables and above all stone barbecues.

Nebrodi Regional Nature Park, Cerami-Troina: established in August 1993, the Park, with its almost 86 thousand hectares of land, is the largest protected natural area in Sicily. The Park, divided into zones, is managed by the Ente Parco dei Nebrodi and is rich in oak, chestnut and holly and is populated by the peregrine falcon, wild rabbits, partridges and buzzards.

Monte Altesina Nature Reserve, Leonforte-Nicosia: the Monte Altesina Nature Reserve extends in a territory embellished by Lake Nicoletti, an artificial reservoir built in the seventies and an annual destination for hiking and birdwatching enthusiasts. In fact, we remember that Mount Altesina is the highest peak of the Erei and has a dense vegetation, mainly consisting of holm oak and downy oak, with pine or eucalyptus reforestation. In the territory of the Reserve it is possible to sight the porcupine, the rodents, the Apennine hare, the wild rabbit, the wild cat, the fox and some diurnal and nocturnal raptors. Populated since ancient times by indigenous peoples, from the Middle Ages it housed several hermits who erected a convent next to the Church of Santa Maria di Lartesina.

Sambuchetti-Campanito Nature Reserve, Nicosia: is a protected natural area of ​​Sicily established in 2000 that includes a portion of the ridge of the Nebrodi Mountains to the west of the Colle del Contrasto saddle. Mount Sambughetti consists of an oligocene sedimentary succession, or alternating quartz clays and sandstones. At the foot of the rocky summit of Monte Campanito there are the homonymous ponds, three natural reservoirs that host not only the aquatic plants typical of the wetlands, but also an important colony of the Sicilian marsh turtle (emys trinacris).

Lake Pozzillo Adventure Park, Regalbuto: the Pozzillo lake is an artificial reservoir considered one of the largest in Europe. The works began in the fifties, in conjunction with the construction of the dam on the Salso-Cimarosa river, which began operating in 1959 to power the production of power plants and improve irrigation in the area. Near the lake there is the Pozzillo Adventure Park, a green area full of attractions for young and old.

Bosco di Sperlinga, Sperlinga: the wood is located right in front of the town, on the slopes of Mount Zimmara. Considered of great naturalistic interest, the Forest is home to many species of fauna typical of the Mediterranean areas, including weasels, wild cats, hares and rabbits.

Lake of Ancipa: Troina: also called “lake Sartori”, is an artificial basin in the Nebrodi mountains, between Troina and Cerami, five kilometers from the first municipality and marks the border between the province of Enna and that of Messina. The area is surrounded by beech and downy oak woods that are home to various animal species. Legambiente has managed 17 hectares of this territory for the organization of initiatives aimed at bringing people closer to nature.

Ialmo Consiglia

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